Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dr. Grayman Cosplay

Allen Walker 04

A kind-hearted and friendly person, Allen Walker has the ability to see the souls of the akuma which led to his decision to live and fight for them. He eventually realizes that human souls also need salvation and devoted himself to both causes. His wish to save humanity frustrates fellow exorcist Kanda Yu, who believes that exorcists are not saviors.
Awesome cosplay! I wonder what the cosplayer used to draw the scar/tattoo over Allen’s eye? Thanks to Tamimi for sending this!

The World Ends With You Cosplay

Kariya Toki

One of the most formidable reapers in game, Koki, who is better known as “Lollipop” is a lid-back Reaper who enjoys being out and about in Shibuya. He even turned down his promotion to become an officer because he feels that looking important all day is a boring life.

Pretty impressive cosplaying, even though he’s not holding a lollipop. Did you know that in the official TWEWY manga, they revealed that what most people think is a lollipop is actually bean paste on a stick? Fans are a little confused with this because Square Enix’s website had a Reaper Quiz that mentions bean paste is Kariya’s favorite lollipop flavor.

Either way, he’s still one of the most awesome characters in the game. Nice cosplaying to boot!

Evangelion Cosplay


The beginning of the movie immediately reveals Makinami Mari Illustrious to be a pilot of the Provisional Evangelion Unit-05. She was sent to destroy the resuscitated skeleton of the Third Angel in its attack on NERV’s arctic Bethany Base. Mari was able to successfully defeat the Angel by self-destructing her unit,and ejecting at the last minute to avoid her own death.
I guess Evangelion’s 4-part theatrical remake really made an impact on the con goers this year. Thanks again for the contribution, Quince!